Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Does anyone remember the Saturday morning TV show starring Pee Wee Herman?  That show featured a word of the day, and any time someone would say that word, everyone would scream real loud and act crazy.

Why not try this with your preschooler?  Each day write a word on several colorful note cards, and display the word in different places throughout the house. Phonics is great, but many of the most frequent reading words are not phonetic, and even if a word is phonetic, to attain fluency for comprehension, children must master instant recognition of words. As an adult you would soon give up reading if you had to sound out every word in a text you were reading.  As most words are instantly recognizable to us, we only occasionally stumble across a new word which requires our phonetic skills.  Reading a passage at a “phonic's pace” is totally frustrating, and detrimental to comprehension.

It is fascinating to me that one hundred high frequency words make up about half of all written materials.  Think of how empowered your child could be if he or she could instantly recognize these one hundred words!

                                        The First 100 Words

These are the most common words in English, ranked in frequency order.
              The first 100 make up about half of all written material.

the                    or                        will                       number
of                      one                      up                         no
and                    had                      other                     way
a                        by                       about                    could
to                       word                    out                       people
in                       but                       many                    my
is                       not                       then                      than
you                    what                    them                     first
that                   all                         these                    water
it                       were                     so                        been
he                      we                       some                    call
was                   when                    her                       who
for                     your                     would                   oil
on                     can                       make                    its
are                    said                      like                       now
as                      there                    him                      find
with                   use                       into                      long
his                     an                        time                     down
they                  each                      has                      day
I                       which                    look                      did
at                      she                       two                       get
be                      do                       more                     come
this                     how                    write                     made
have                   their                     go                        may
from                     if                        see                       part

Not only could you have a word of the day, you could even have fun phrases of the day.  If there were more people, what would we do?

Whatever you do, make it fun.  Games are always more fun than school. (This is coming from someone who has spent over thirty-seven years in school.)  Maybe one day you could hide the word of the day, or make it a treasure hunt with clues to find it. Play school and let your preschooler be the teacher to teach you the new words. After a while, write your own stories and books using your high frequency words.

They’re only little once, and they have been put in your trust. Love them wisely.

                                                                              This is the School Marm      
Ringing Her Bell     
School's out!     

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